
This component utilizes Button from React-Bootstrap and extends it with an ability to add icons before and after button label, see below for usage example.
See React-Bootstrap for additional documentation.

Core Buttons

Core Buttons (Inverse Pallete)

Utility Buttons


When to use the inline size

Use inline size buttons for when a button sits with a line of text.

Block Buttons

With Icons before or after

With a Spinner


Basic Usage

Color Variants

Outline Variants

Inverse Variants

Theme Variables (SCSS)#

$btn-padding-y: $input-btn-padding-y !default;
$btn-padding-x: $input-btn-padding-x !default;
$btn-font-family: $input-btn-font-family !default;
$btn-font-size: $input-btn-font-size !default;
$btn-line-height: $input-btn-line-height !default;
$btn-padding-y-sm: $input-btn-padding-y-sm !default;
$btn-padding-x-sm: $input-btn-padding-x-sm !default;
$btn-font-size-sm: $input-btn-font-size-sm !default;
$btn-line-height-sm: $input-btn-line-height-sm !default;
$btn-padding-y-lg: $input-btn-padding-y-lg !default;
$btn-padding-x-lg: $input-btn-padding-x-lg !default;
$btn-font-size-lg: $input-btn-font-size-lg !default;
$btn-line-height-lg: $input-btn-line-height-lg !default;
$btn-border-width: $input-btn-border-width !default;
$btn-font-weight: $font-weight-normal !default;
$btn-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba($white, .15), 0 1px 1px rgba($black, .075) !default;
$btn-focus-width: 2px !default;
$btn-focus-gap: 1px !default;
$btn-focus-box-shadow: $input-btn-focus-box-shadow !default;
$btn-disabled-opacity: .65 !default;
$btn-active-box-shadow: none;
$btn-tertiary-color: $gray-700 !default;
$btn-tertiary-bg: transparent !default;
$btn-tertiary-hover-bg: $light-500 !default;
$btn-tertiary-active-bg: $light-500 !default;
$btn-inverse-tertiary-color: $white !default;
$btn-inverse-tertiary-bg: transparent !default;
$btn-inverse-tertiary-hover-bg: rgb(255 255 255 / 10%) !default;
$btn-inverse-tertiary-active-bg: rgb(255 255 255 / 10%) !default;
$btn-link-disabled-color: theme-color("gray", "light-text") !default;
$btn-block-spacing-y: .5rem !default;
// Allows for customizing button radius independently from global border radius
$btn-border-radius: $border-radius !default;
$btn-border-radius-lg: $border-radius-lg !default;
$btn-border-radius-sm: $border-radius-sm !default;
$btn-transition: null;
Button Props API
  • buttonType string

    Used to determine the type of button to be rendered. See Bootstrap's buttons documentation for a list of applicable button types. For example, buttonType="light". The default is undefined.

  • className string

    Specifies Bootstrap class names to apply to the button. See Bootstrap's buttons documentation for a list of applicable class names. The default is an empty array.

  • children node Required

    Specifies the text that is displayed within the button.

  • inputRef func | shape {
    current: PropTypes.element,

    A function that defines a reference for the button. An example inputRef from the calling component could look something like: inputRef={(input) => { this.button = input; }}. The default is an empty function.

    Default() => {}
  • isClose bool

    Used to determine if the button is a "Close" style button to leverage bootstrap styling. Example use case is with the Status Alert dismiss button. The default is false.

  • onBlur func

    A function that would specify what the button should do when the onBlur event is triggered. For example, the button could change in color or buttonType when focus is changed. The default is an empty function.

    Default() => {}
  • onClick func

    A function that would specify what the button should do when the onClick event is triggered. For example, the button could launch a Modal. The default is an empty function.

    Default() => {}
  • onKeyDown func

    A function that would specify what the button should do when the onKeyDown event is triggered. For example, this could handle using the Escape key to trigger the button's action. The default is an empty function.

    Default() => {}
  • type string

    Used to set the type attribute on the button tag. The default type is button.
